Call on Glasgow City Council to work with Locavore

Glasgow City Council is currently working to remove us from Bellahouston Nursery, home to our veg boxes, our organic growing, our wholesale activities, 120 community plots and several other organisations.

This comes after the council awarded us almost £50,000 to develop the site in February.

We think this decision was reached disregarding previous communication about the lease, council policy, and with an incomplete understanding of our work.

The council’s position threatens our existence and all the work we have done to bring sustainable food to Glasgow.

You can find out more about the situation in our report.

Please support us by signing our petition.

Update 13th of July:

Thank you for your overwhelming support. You have sent the Council a strong message that people in Glasgow (& beyond) value our work and recognise the importance of building a local food economy that supports the health of people and nature.

We’ve been blown away by just how many of you have signed our petition (almost 7,000 as of 12th July) and just how quickly.

Your support achieved the first thing we hoped it would. It has got the Council to finally respond to us. This has come after many months of our emails being unacknowledged, replied to slowly or partially, and our phone calls not being taken or returned. 

It has been frustrating that we were not able to find a way to get dialogue with the Council other than going public with our experience of engaging with them. It’s taken a lot of precious time and energy that we would have rather spent doing our core work. 

It’s regrettable that their first response to us came through their press office. It’s also regrettable that some statements are factually incorrect and don’t address the shortcomings displayed in dealing with our situation. See Glasgow Live.

Your support achieved the second thing we hoped it would. The Council has given reasons in writing why they wouldn’t work with us. We are pleased to finally have clarity and this is the first step towards working to find a resolution. 

Your support achieved a third thing we hoped it would. Council officers have been in touch directly and told us that we do not need to leave by the 31st of July. They have moved this to the 31st of October, spooky.

Your support achieved a fourth thing we hoped it would. The Council have publicly stated that Bellahouston Nursery will be safeguarded as a food growing site.

Your support achieved a fifth thing we hoped it would. The Council has agreed to have a series of meetings with us. Details on these are unclear right now but it seems they want to work with us on a viable exit plan by the new date, and we hope there may be scope for us to make the case for a new lease. They will also engage with other interested parties through this period.

These past few months, and especially last week, have been gruelling for our team and an unnecessary distraction from our day to day. We’re relieved that dialogue is open with the Council and we will go into our conversations with them in good faith and seek to work with them on a solution which works for everyone.

Thanks for your support, we’ll keep you updated.