In the first of our meet the producer evenings we’d like to invite you to hear from Bryce Cunningham of Mossgiel Farm and Ed O’Brian of Ed’s Bees.
It will take place on Monday the 27th of February in the shop from 7-8pm.
It’s a great chance to come along and hear about how these fantastic local food producers operate and ask any questions you have.
Bryce Cummingham – Mossgiel Farm
Mossgiel Farm produce un-homogenised milk from their herd of Ayrshire cattle upon the farm which Robert Burns once worked. Bryce will be talking about his experience of dairy farming in the west of Scotland and his expedience of moving away from commodity supply and implementing sustainable farm management.
Ed O’brian – Ed’s Bees
Ed is a beekeeper with a patchwork farm of beehives all over Glasgow. He’ll be talking about his experience of being a city beekeeper producing raw unpasturised honey from the cities parks and gardens.
We’ll clear some space for the evening event so there should be plenty room to sit and enjoy samples of Mossgiel Milk and Ed’s honey!