The Online Veg Box Shop is Open!
The Online Veg Box Shop is open for deliveries next week.
The Online Veg Box Shop is open for deliveries next week.
We have Seville oranges again this week, which will be their last week, so order now for marmalade, bitter orange tart , ice-cream, and more.
We’re expanding our Online Veg Box Shop range little by little. This week’s exciting addition is tomato puree, that staple of all cooking that just needs a boost of concentrated tomato flavour. We’re stocking the paste from Suma, which is organic, delicious, and in the most gorgeous packaging.
But you’ll have to click through to check it out since I wanted to show you the flower of scurvy grass, since that’s what we have from our friendly forager this week. Scurvy grass- aside from being thoroughly on the sea-shanty trend- is a Scottish wildfood staple. With its lovely heart-shaped leaves and distinctive, horseradishy flavour, it’s a must-try. Here’s a nice little video with some ideas to get you started. Who knew we had a wasabi substitute right on our own coastlines? Well- a lot of people. But not me!
The deadline to get your orders in is 11pm Monday.
Photo: Sam Fraser-Smith from Brisbane, Australia, CC BY 2. , via Wikimedia Commons
You can read about changes made to our service due to the pandemic here.
Please return your veg box!
Just a reminder of what we collect from your door each week:
Veg Boxes– we reuse these
Mossgiel Milk bottles – we return these to the dairy for reuse
Ed’s Bees jars – we return these to Ed (and his bees) for reuse
Plastic bottle lids – we recycle these
Plant pots from Locavore potted herbs- our farm reuses these
Locavore hummus Vegware pots – we return these to vegware to be biodegraded
Ella’s Kitchen baby food pouches – we recycle these
We aren’t able to accept glass bottles, egg boxes, or any other items for recycling, I’m afraid. Please dispose of these as you choose.
If you collect your orders from the shop, you can return them there.
We’re running low on veg boxes at the moment, so please do remember to leave them out- reusing them as many times as possible helps keep our veg box scheme as carbon-efficient as possible!
In the Veg Boxes This Week
Subject to last minute changes
Check out storage guidance for helpful tips and tricks on how to prolong the life of your fresh produce. If you’re wondering where your veg comes from, have a look at these maps. You can also join your fellow subscribers over in the Facebook group for lots of tips, tricks, and recipe ideas!
To contact us, ring 0141 378 1672 or email us at subscribers@glasgowlocavore.org
Click here for Veg Box Contents
The Nice Bit
Earlier today, Veg Box Manager Sally posted a thoughtful and insightful article over on our website about the challenges we’ve been facing in filling the veg boxes lately. I strongly recommend giving it a read, as it goes over the ways climate change, Brexit and the pandemic have combined to impact the veg boxes. You can find it here.
“Scotland is blessed with lots of passionate, innovative growers and small producers all working to make our food better and more sustainable. Locavore is excited and proud to be a part of this community and we are excited for what 2021 will bring.”
As Sally says, the key to surviving this time when the same veg crops up repeatedly in the boxes is to use a wide variety of flavours and culinary techniques. To that end, we’d like to start featuring your recipes in the newsletters and on the website. To submit one, please email it to saoirse@glasgowlocavore.org with the word ‘recipe’ in the subject line. We’re especially looking for recipes that make creative- or just very delicious- use of our veg box staples (potatoes, carrots, beetroot, kale, swede, cabbage, celeriac… you know the drill). Photos a bonus but not necessary. If we use your recipe you’ll get a little credit on your veg box account to say thanks. But mostly we want to see what you’re cooking, share the wonderful ideas you all have, and celebrate the fact that we are a community cooking the same ingredients in varied and wonderful ways.