Whether you buy your flowers from one of our shops or have them delivered with your veg boxes, there’s no doubt that these beautiful organic flowers are worth taking care of so they last as long as possible, to brighten more of your days. Especially now the weather’s a little warmer, it’s worth taking the time to look after your bouquet of organic, Glasgow-grown, pollinator-friendly blooms.
- Delivery – It is a good idea to leave a bucket filled with about 10-15cm of clean water where your veg box is delivered, with a clear label for the flowers to be put in it by our delivery drivers.
- Preparation – Once you receive your flowers, remove the paper and string and trim the ends of the stems by a few centimetres with clean, sharp scissors

- If the bunch has wilted, many flowers respond well to the end few centimeters of their stems being dunked in boiling water for 7-10 seconds before being put in fresh, deep, cold water. Ensure the cold water covers all the stems and there is plenty extra in the vase for them to drink up they will drink a surprising amount each day

- Feed – Add 1-2 tsps of sugar to the vase water and stir until dissolved, before placing flowers in the vase.
- Water – Bacteria love warm, green water. Make sure you replace the vase water with cold, clean water every two days.
- Vase Life – We aim for the bouquets to last about a week. Our flowers are likely to grow and bend in the vase responding to the light: this is a quirk of organically grown flowers, chosen for their natural beauty rather than their rigidity. Some of the flowers within the bunch have a naturally shorter vase life. If you notice single stems wilting or dying, gently hold the bunch in one hand and with the other hand carefully tease the dead stem loose. Position your flowers in a cool spot out of direct sunlight. Using a clean vase, adding sugar feed and replacing the water regularly will all help your flowers to last longer.