Some days you want to make dinner all day. Leisurely hours at the stove, stirring. Kneading dough then waiting for it patiently to ferment and inflate.
Category: Veg Box Newsletter
Veg Box Newsletter 13th July: Salad Days
A great many meals are improved immeasurably by a salad on the side, to add some textural contrast, a little sharpness, a little bitterness
Veg Box Newsletter 6th July: Tender Stems
We get sprouting, or tenderstem, broccoli a little later in Scotland than they do down south. But though some early Spring recipes might not seem particularly suited to July, with a rainy July like this it’s not so bad. After a good damp walk in your local park, you might just need a bowl of orichette with cream and broccoli,
Veg Box Newsletter 29th June: Spill the Beans
Well, we have had a few sunny days but for the most part it is still raining. Heavy, comforting rain that taps on the roof and runs down the windows; that makes the leaves on the tree outside my kitchen window glean greenly against the grey
Veg Box Newsletter 22nd June: Rain Check
What to eat when the weather doesn’t match the season.
Veg Box Newsletter 15th June: Gorgeous Courgettes
Lots of ideas for what we’ll do with the courgettes we have from this end of summer to the other.