Veg Box Newsletter w/c 22.07.19

Hello Folks, Thank you for your continued support for the Good Food Fund. In June 2019 we sent out £1,313.28 worth of fruit and veg to our partners. All the projects we support are foodbanks or community meals that work with people living in food poverty. When you buy items in supermarkets and put them…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 15.07.19

Hello Folks, The Open Food Network are conducting research in collaboration with the University of East Anglia, focusing on how online food hubs enable people to make sustainable food choices. We’d appreciate if you could take the time to complete this survey, it should take around 10 minutes – there are a few prizes on…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 08.07.19

Hello Folks, This week sees the welcome return of carrots to the veg boxes! Our boxes are also currently containing a great deal of produce from our own Left Field farm in Neilston, including lettuce, chard, kale, salad mix, kohl rabi and basil across the different sizes and supplemtary bags. You’ll be happy to hear,…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 24.06.19

Hello Folks, This week sees the return of kale to the veg boxes! The small and standard boxes feature green kale from The Organic Pantry, while large and extra large boxes contain kale grown by our own team at Locavore’s Left Feild farm just outside of Neilston. If you’re unsure how to use kale in…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 17.06.19

Hello Folks, This week’s Veg Boxes have got some lovely radish from down at Organic Pantry. Here’s some more about their own organic farming journey: “During the conversion we planted up all of the hedging around the farm leaving a 4 meter headland around the fields, this creates a habitat for predator bugs as part…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 10.06.19

Hello Folks, The Good Food Fund would like to pass on thanks from Auldhouse Community Church foodbank. We have recently started supplying them with fresh fruit and veg using your donations. The foodbank has been running for 5 years and feeds an average of 30 people each week. ‘It has all been non perishable items…