Veg Box Delivery Schedule – Festive Period

Here are our delivery schedules for the festive period, and associated deadlines for cancelling your order. We’ll be delivering double sized veg boxes week commencing 17th December to make up for us not delivering week commencing 24th. If you’d just like to have your normal order that week, please get in touch and let us…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 19.11.18

Hello Folks, Sprouts sprouts sprouts! Love em or hate em, you’ve all got em this week – from our east coast supplier, Chapel Farm. For those who fear the little mini brassicas, that’s probably because they’ve been boiled for hours until mushy and bitter. Check our Veggiepedia page for recipe recommendations to make them your…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 12.11.18

Hello Folks, We’ve got Harlequin squash all the veg boxes this week – it’s a favourite over here in the veg box department as it’s so delicious, is a delight to behold with it’s green flecks on pale yellow! If you get a large or extra large veg box, you’ll also be getting Uchiki Kuri,…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 05.11.18

Hello Folks, As we’re in low season in terms of our own farm produce, we thought we’d give you an idea of what this means. Still growing kale and hardy leaves over the coming months, our amazing growers have been working the soil where the crops have ran out, and built winter beds. They use…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 29.10.18

Hello Folks, The evening sessions at the Urban Croft, which has been housing this year’s Grow the Growers team, have come to an end and the beds have been covered over for winter. If anyone has a spare plot of land, the growers are looking for somewhere to move on to next year! The next…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 22.10.18

Hello Folks, Westland Winter kale harvested by our fantastic growers at Left Field Market Garden features in all of this week’s veg boxes. This green curly kale is arguably the best type for making deliciously crispy kale chips. Simply wash, dry and tear the kale leaves into bite size pieces then drizzle with olive oil,…