Veg Box Newsletter 21st December: Before and Afters

My freezer is full of cut out but unbaked cheese biscuits. There’s a (free-range, high-welfare) duck in there too, and goose fat in the fridge. I have made and iced cardamom shortbread and posted it out to everyone I’ve ever met for more than 15 minutes

Glasgow City Food Plan Response

Glasgow City Council is currently running a consultation on their proposed Glasgow City Food Plan, which you can read in full (50+ pages) or you can check out the summary.  We think there are lots of positives to take from this, the first significant move towards developing a city-wide approach to reforming and rebuilding a…

Roast Butternut Squash Quinoa Salad with Sage and Walnuts

A Match Made In Heaven It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of butternut squash, and pairing it with sage is peak butternut enjoyment. The great thing about this dish is that it can be enjoyed both warm and cold, meaning that leftovers for lunch are as quick as can be! This dish makes…

Roast Kohlrabi and Butternut Squash

What can’t you do with kohlrabi? Pickled, roast, raw, pureed… kohlrabi is an incredibly versatile vegetable! It adds a really lovely texture to dishes even when roasted, akin to a roast radish. A bit peppery, soft yet still crisp, it also makes a great addition to soups and stews. One day 2 of leftovers (I…

Veg Box Newsletter 30th November: More Mooli

The Online Veg Box Shop is Open! The Online Veg Box Shop is open for deliveries next week! We have two very exciting items on the shop this week only: fresh bay leaves and young ginger.  Bay leaves are a staple, but when talking to people you often hear the suspicion that they don’t really taste of anything.  It’s…

Pickled Kohlrabi with Garlic and Chilli

What is this thing? When I first saw a head of kohlrabi I really didn’t know what to make of it. Was it a potato? A turnip? A radish? I have since discovered that its name means cabbage turnip, and that feels pretty spot on for this brassica. It has a mild sweet flavour with…