Soil Yourself – Join our Excrement Experiment


We’re delighted to announce our new project, Soil Yourself!

Soil Yourself is a project which aims to increase the sustainability of our market gardens by reducing our reliance on outside inputs such as composts which we currently have to buy in from commercial compost producers at a significant cost. The compost we use tends to be made from green waste and although useful for our market gardens it is lacking in some nutrients which are important to organic soil health.

Soil health is crucial as each year we take in the region of 20 tonnes of vegetables out of Left Field Market Garden alone. This produce goes to our shops and vegbox customers, feeds and nourishes them… and then the rest passes through them and goes down the drain. The fundamental fact means that we are unable to make our market gardens nutrient cycle truly circular and self sufficient.

There’s no simple way of saying this but… we need your jobbies. Night Soil (as it’s commonly known in other parts of the world) returning to the land where we grow food is absolutely essential for the building of health and sustainability of soils so that they can feed us without the need for fossil fuel inputs or replying on commercial compost that just isn’t as good.

This is why we’re launching this new pilot project in association with the Scottish Resource Recovery Agency to close the loop – from hoop house, to poop house, and back to the hoop house.

As part of the project we are looking for 500 volunteers to join our bowl movement, movement. Volunteers will be given 2 x 10L recycled and reusable plastic containers to deposit their daily donations. In return they will receive a 10% discount card to be used at our shops, cafes and vegbox deliveries and have the satisfaction of knowing that their old poop will make next years soup.

We estimate that the pilot project alone with save in the region of 15,000 tonnes of co2 and prevent 92,000kg of natural fertiliser being flushed down the cludgie . That’s a lot of hot air that we’d like to share.

We think Soiling Ourselves is essential to building a truly circular economy and really hope our pilot project is a success. To find out more and sign up as one of our jobbing volunteers please fill out the form below.

Please note that due to organic certification rules we are looking for volunteers who eat a predominately organic diet from Locavore. As such we can’t accept more crap from from Tesco, Asda, Aldi or Waitrose.