What are they?
Native to Mexico and Central America, squash are part of the curcubitaceae family, which includes pumpkins, courgette, cucumbers and melons. Unlike their winter counterparts, summer squash have a thinner edible skin which means they don’t store well. Summer squashes include courgette, patty pan or custard squash.
What to do with them?
As their flavour is mild, with a creamy texture, they are a versatile veg. Cooking them simply will preserve their delicate flavour – steaming or sauteeing is ideal for this. If you’re wanting something more flavoursome, try slicing and baking them, with a topping of hard cheese. Roasting them adds an extra dimension to the flavour, especially in this warm salad of charred squash. Or try pickling them!
Keep the seeds – you can dry roast with salt and paprika for a salty snack.
When are they in season?
Late summer, going into autumn