Christmas Veg Boxes: What you need to know!

I’m writing today with lots and lots of Christmassy information so you can start preparing! There’s a lot of info, but for most of you, there’s no need to do anything, unless you want to opt out of the bumper bag. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions! Order Change Deadline…

Smoky Jackfruit Ideas

This week’s vegan boxes have a double-whammy serving of smoky jackfruit! It’s a great opportunity to experiment with this tasty and versatile ingredients. I’ve asked around the office, and here’s what we’re doing with ours: Vegan Jackfruit Chilli Use Locavore kidney beans, black beans, and chopped tomatoes (avaliable on the Open Food Network) to make…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 30.10.19

Hello Folks, It’s October! Well, as I write this it is almost October, which is good enough. I love October: the leaves crisping and crunching as I wander through the park, the nights drawing in like a heavy duvet, the actual heavy duvet coming out from the cupboard- and the veg! October’s a rather veg-focused…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 16.09.19

Hello Folks, It’s been another week of adjusting to our new space in Bellahouston park! Our newly expanded veg box team is hard at work ironing out all the creases to make the transition as smooth as possible. We’ll be introducing ourselves to you over the next few weeks, so watch this space. As the…

Veg Box News w/c 02.09.19

Hi Folks, We’ve had a busy weekend of moving our office and veg box packing equipment from the back of our shop on Victoria Road to the new Veg Box HQ here at Bellahouston Nursery. It’s fantastic for us to finnaly have moved and now be in a space with around four times as much…