January can be so glum and dour but there’s a joy to be found in eating even the grey seasons. Perhaps we’re all getting a little tired now of the root veg, the beetroot and celeriac and sprout tops and what not, but that is inspiration to be a little more creative.
Category: Veg Box Newsletter
Veg Box Newsletter for 6th January 2020: New Year New Potatoes (New potatoes pending)
Hello Folks, Welcome back to the wonderful world of Locavore veg boxes. I hope you’re all feeling refreshed after our break- I know I can’t wait for a 2020 of cooking, eating, and sharing recipes and meals! We have some lovely boxes for you to kick things off, with golden beetroot shining prettily in a…
Veg Box Newsletter for Week Commencing 16th December: Christmas Time, Vegetables and Kind(ness).
Hello Folks, Christmas is a time for coming together and seeing those you love. It is a time for resting and regrouping, gathering energy for the new year. To celebrate what is good, and what lasts, which is the golden core of kindness we have inside. It’s also a time for feasting, gathered in a…
Veg Box Newsletter w/c. 2nd December: the calm before the storm
Hello Folks, Today was a beautiful day, with a clear, blue sky and frosty ground. Veg Box HQ looked ethereal in the clear afternoon light. It’s almost December, which, let’s face it, means it’s basically Christmas, so I know all the whirl and rush is about to start. I love Christmas, and even the hustle…
Christmas Veg Boxes: What you need to know!
I’m writing today with lots and lots of Christmassy information so you can start preparing! There’s a lot of info, but for most of you, there’s no need to do anything, unless you want to opt out of the bumper bag. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions! Order Change Deadline…
Veg Box Newsletter w/c 18th November: Settling into Winter + Christmas Info
Hello Folks, You settle into winter like wheels into well-worn grooves. You get used to the thermals and the woolies, the thick socks and hot drinks. Once you fall into its pattern, there’s a comfort to be found there, and it’s the same with veg. It’s all brassicas and root veg from here til the…