Veg Box Newsletter w/c 09.09.19

Hello Folks, It’s another busy week here at Locavore, as the veg box team are all settling in and getting things set up at our new larger premises at Bellahouston. We’re certainly appreciating the extra space compared to the previous set up we had in the back of the Victoria Road shop! It’s beginning to…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 26.08.19

Hello Folks, Our farms are still getting great harvests of leafy greens, with Locavore kale and chard appearing in this week’s boxes. We’re also seeing our first harvests of Locavore grown tomatoes! These are included in the standard supplementary veg bags this week. It’s all change at Locavore at the moment as our veg box…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 19.08.19

Hello Folks, This week sees the long awaited return of onions to the veg boxes! We also see the return of potatoes from Chapel Farm. Here’s a little information about the farm: “Chapel Organics is a family farm owned and ran by the Elder family for over 50 years. The farm is currently run by…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 12.08.19

Hello Folks, We’re still seeing bumper crops here at Locavore, and your boxes feature plenty that our hard-working growers have produced: chard, celery, courgettes (and that’s just the letter C)! Fruit bags see the return of apples as the summer begins to wind down, but there’s still plenty of exciting stone fruits in there to…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 05.08.19

Hello Folks, Our Locavore growers are extremely busy at the moment with an abundance of produce being harvested from the Locavore farms. Luckily for you, a lot of this produce is going straight into the veg boxes this week, with Locavore grown chard, kale, french beans, courgettes and parsley all making appearances. Looking for different…

Veg Box Newsletter w/c 29.07.19

Hello Folks, Our market gardens are keeping our growers incredibly busy at the moment, with huge harvests – all the veg in the week’s boxes, aside from potatoes, is Locavore grown! For those of you with a standard or larger veg box, you’ll all have a bumper bag of Westland Winter kale. Queen’s Park Govanhill…