Veg Box Newsletter 17th October: Lovage

In the Veg Boxes This Week

Subject to last minute changes

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The Nice Bit

Let’s talk about lovage, since there are generous bags of it in the supplementary veg bags this coming week. Lovage is sort of halfway between celery and parsley, a link between these two closely-related plants that I sometimes forget know each other so well. 

Rebecca May Johnson (whose book Small Fires I can wholeheartedly recommend, by the way) suggests a lovage and fennel risotto. She also mentions using lovage alongside hard-boiled eggs and in potato salad. 

And here is a potato salad, which also uses capers and anchovies and red onions and dill and tarragon as well as lovage to make something really special. Pare it down to the essentials or push the boat out, it’s up to you. 

How about a creamy potato-based lovage soup to fill your thermal flask on your next walk? 

Add lovage to pea croquettes for a real treat- here they’re served alongside lots of spring veg that is now far behind us (and ahead of us), but you can absolutely give it an autumnal twist by pairing with butternut squash soup. 

Meanwhile, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has another sort of lovage soup for you, with peas and cucumber and lettuce (lettuce soup is better than it sounds). He also suggests mackerel and lovage tarts, and a pasta recipe which may do very well if you have any courgettes left. 

If after all that, you still have some lovage left, you can freeze whatever’s left using the same methods that work for most fresh herbs. Imagine adding a little of your saved lovage butter to next year’s broad beans, or melting a lovage cube into courgette risotto when they come round again.